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Suet Blocks - Insect & Mealworm (3 Pack)

94% (44)

FROM £3.99

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Worth up to 9 Loyalty Points

Suitable For Birds
Suitable For Feeders

An easily digestible source of energy and nutrients, Suet Blocks – Insect & Mealworm are guaranteed to attract a myriad of wild birds to your garden.

Greenfinches, chaffinches and tits cannot resist the combination of high-quality, energy-rich beef suet enhanced with their favourite treats – mealworms and insects!

Birds know what is good for them, and these suet blocks provide a balanced formula of fuel, protein and additional nutrients. Suitable for use throughout the year, they keep birds healthy and active in all seasons, as well as providing survival food in tough weather conditions and when natural stocks are low.

Low mess and convenient to handle, simply pop them in a suet cage or break one up for use on a bird table. Suet blocks stay soft through winter but won’t melt in summer.

Available as a three pack or take advantage of our multi-buy deals!

Each suet cake weight 300 grams and is suitable for use in a wide range of suet cake feeders. Each pack contains 3 x 300g cakes.


Single 3 Pack - G3993
2 Packs of 3 - KC8903
3 Packs of 3 - KC8904

  • Bird Table
  • Fat Ball and Suet Feeders

Delivery Options to Suit You

UK (Mainland) - Standard FREE
UK (Mainland) - Standard £4.99
UK (Mainland) - Standard £4.99
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